OGB Health Benefits

Unfortunately, your LPPS insurance office CANNOT choose your plan for you. We can only provide you with the tools (videos/links/information) to help you make the best decision for you and your family. If you have questions after reading and viewing all of the information below, please feel free to email us with your questions, we will be happy to assist you.

Here are the 2024 insurance rates for each plan:


Magnolia Open

Magnolia Local

Magnolia Local Plus

Pelican HSA775

Pelican HRA1000

Employee Only

$ 204.20

$ 166.48

$ 196.44

$ 70.96

$ 145.46

Employee + Spouse

$ 663.40

$ 540.90

$ 638.02

$ 230.64

$ 472.46

Employee + Child

$ 293.96

$ 239.62

$ 282.72

$ 102.28

$ 209.46

Employee + Children

$ 293.96

$ 239.62

$ 282.72

$ 102.28

$ 209.46


$ 710.80

$ 579.58

$ 683.62

$ 247.06

$ 506.16


Need information about deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance for the different plans? Click below.

2024 Benefit Comparison Sheet

How to Read the Benefits Comparison Sheet
Magnolia Local Plus Summary of Benefits
Magnolia Open Access Summary of Benefits
Pelican HSA775 Summary of Benefits.pdf
Pelican HRA1000 Summary of Benefits.pdf**
Magnolia Local Summary of Benefits.pdf

** Please note that the Office of Group Benefits has already informed us that the Pelican HRA1000 plan will be discontinued for the 2025 plan year meaning it will no longer be available as of 01.01.2025. If you choose this plan, you will be asked to choose another plan during Annual Enrollment in October 2024. 

OGB Enrollment/Change Form

Complete the enrollment form and return it to me within 30-days of your life event.

If you are adding a spouse, we will need a copy of your marriage license.

If you are adding children, we will need a copy of their birth certificates.

If you choose the Pelican HSA775 plan, know there are additional forms you will need to complete to enroll in that plan.  

OGB Pelican HSA775 Contribution Form  
(Members enrolled in the HSA plan MUST update their contributions every year)

Need help calculating how much to contribute to your HSA fund every year?
Click this link to help you: HSA Contribution Calculator

Access2Day Health Clinics

If you enroll in the Magnolia Local Plus, Magnolia Open Access, Pelican HRA1000 or Magnolia Local plans, you are eligible to visit any Access2Day health clinic at no cost to you for the visit. That's right! There are no out-of-pocket expenses! There is also no need for an appointment. Find locations for these clinics at Access2Day Locations

Catapult Health Clinics

Every year, OGB sponsors Catapult Health Clinics. At no cost to you, you can visit a Catapult Health clinic and ahve a wellness visit. By doing this, you will receive a discount on your health premium of $10/month for the next plan year. Click on the Catapult tab on the left for the forms that you can take to you regular doctor if you have missed the clinics for this year. The deadline to submit the form to Catapult each year is September 30.